DR quan ngo

About dr quan ngo
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr Quan Ngo is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon. He graduated in Medicine from UNSW in 2001 and completed his Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery training in Sydney in 2010. Dr Ngo then acquired further specialist fellowship training in the UK, France, and Taiwan. He has a wide range of experience in microsurgical reconstructive surgery, with special focus in the Head & Neck region where he is an expert in cancer surgery, reconstructive surgery, and trauma surgery for the facial region.
Dr Ngo has held appointments at St Vincent’s Hospital, Westmead Hospital, Macquarie University Hospital, Bankstown Hospital, and Liverpool Hospital, where he is currently the Head of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery.
He has won several accolades in teaching Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Specialist trainees, and is a senior lecturer at University of NSW and Macquarie University. He was also a councillor of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, the peak body representing Australian Specialist Plastic Surgeons.
Amongst his expertise in Head & Neck region, Dr Ngo also performs facial cosmetic surgery and in particular has interest in bony contouring and reshaping work.
When not performing complex head and neck and facial reconstruction, Dr Ngo performs facial cosmetic surgery. In particular, his frequent dealing with the facial skeleton drives his interest in bone-reshaping work such as jaw or cheek contouring and chin reduction or advancement (genioplasty). Facial bones form the foundation of the face on which drapes the soft tissue envelope. While much of facial cosmetic surgery focuses on the soft tissue element such as face lift, brow lift etc., changing the soft tissue alone without changing the underlying hard skeleton has limitations in terms of how much the appearance can be altered. Shaping of the underlying skeletal structures can at times bring about dramatic facial feature changes that cannot occur through soft tissue manipulation. It is technically demanding and, like all forms of surgery, can have complications.
As a Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Ngo is highly trained and accredited to provide you well-informed advice that clearly details both pros and cons of treatment options. He strongly believes in spending time carefully listening to your concerns and priorities. He will then outline the different options that can be tailored to your needs. He will have an in-depth discussion to guide you through the steps involved and the possible expected outcomes.
Aesthetic Facial Bone Surgery
While the same general principles and approach apply to facial bone surgery whether it is for repair of facial injuries, tumour removal, or any other reason, there are some subtle differences when it comes to aesthetic surgery. The surgeon has to be extra cautious to minimise scarring while having less bruising and swelling afterwards. The concept of what is desirable needs to be thoroughly discussed so Dr Ngo can create a treatment that is tailored to your expectations. Certain facial features may be considered beautiful in some cultures but not so in others.
Functional benefits may also be achieved by changing the facial proportions in some instances, such as improving eating by having a better bite (called ‘occlusion’), or breathing better with less snoring.
The types of procedures that Dr Ngo may discuss can include: