What Is Genioplasty?

What Is Genioplasty?


Genioplasty is the medical name for chin surgery. Using a variety of techniques, a plastic surgeon can alter the size, position and projection of the chin.

For Asian chin surgery in Sydney, the specialist plastic surgeons at Asian Plastic Surgery aim to provide the highest quality care. Learn more about genioplasty below and request a consultation here.

Why Is Genioplasty Popular With Asian Patients?

Facial bone contouring surgeries are common in Asia. While no ethnicities or individuals share exactly the same characteristics, there are certain features we observe more often in Asian patients than in other ethnicities. 

In some Asian populations, it is common to see a receding chin that is considered ‘too weak’ or a chin that protrudes and is considered ‘too strong’. These features may be accompanied by flaring of the front teeth, a retruded mid-face, a wider face with shorter vertical height, a lack of brow and nasal projection, or a square jaw.

Genioplasty can improve facial symmetry and give the face more three-dimensionality. It can also help rebalance facial proportions and produce the narrow, delicate facial shape that is prized in many Asian cultures.

What Are the Cosmetic Benefits of Genioplasty Surgery?

With Asian chin surgery, we can accomplish a variety of aesthetic goals:

  • Build up a weak or receding chin
  • Minimise an overly large or protruding chin
  • Improve facial symmetry
  • Create a more oval-shaped facial profile

Choosing a surgeon who focuses on Asian plastic surgery ensures your procedure will be performed by someone who understands the complexity of Asian anatomy and skin, as well as Asian beauty standards, trends and cultural preferences. Our specialist plastic surgeons have a keen appreciation for the unique needs of Asian patients when performing genioplasty and other facial bone contouring surgeries.

Are There Any Functional Benefits of Genioplasty Surgery?

People typically undergo chin surgery for cosmetic reasons. However, some medical conditions may also require surgical intervention.

Genioplasty can be used to alleviate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout the night. A chin advancement procedure can pull the tissues behind the tongue forward and open up the airway, creating space for the patient to breathe freely while sleeping.

Genioplasty can also improve lip incompetence, a condition characterised by the inability to seal the lips when at rest without straining the muscles around the mouth. Bringing the chin forward and vertically shortening it can create an upward push on the lower lip, reducing the lip incompetence problem.

How Is Genioplasty Performed?

Genioplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. The incision is made inside the mouth, so there is no visible scarring after the operation. Cuts are then made in the chin bone below the teeth so it can be realigned according to your needs.

Once the wedge of bone that has been cut is repositioned, it is reattached with the help of plates and screws. Bone will grow back over time to secure the repositioned wedge.

The incision is then stitched closed, and compression tape is placed on the outside of the mouth and chin to protect the area during early healing.

What Techniques Are Commonly Used in Asian Genioplasty?

Chin surgery is commonly used to bring a retruded chin forward or push a protruding chin back. It may also be used to adjust the vertical height of the chin or reposition the chin horizontally to correct asymmetry. Plastic surgeons use various techniques to achieve these goals, including sliding genioplasty, jumping genioplasty, reduction genioplasty, widening genioplasty and more.

Are There Other Options for Enhancing the Chin?

There are other ways to reshape or resize the chin to improve facial harmony. The critical thing to note is that these options add to the chin. Therefore, they are only appropriate for patients whose needs or preferences require chin augmentation.

Genioplasty vs. Chin Implant

Chin implants are manufactured in assorted shapes and sizes. The procedure is less invasive than genioplasty and therefore involves less discomfort and downtime. The incision for a chin implant is located underneath the chin, so it is not invisible like a genioplasty incision. There is also a risk of implant-related complications that is not present with genioplasty. Both procedures can offer permanent results.

How Is Genioplasty Different From V-Line Surgery?

V-line surgery combines chin surgery and jaw surgery to achieve a more slender lower face shape or a sharper chin profile. Incisions are made inside the mouth, then the lower jaw bone (mandible) is filed down and a portion of bone is removed. V-line surgery is a powerful way to reshape the face, creating a more sleek and better defined lower face profile.

How Is Genioplasty Different From Double Jaw Surgery?

Double jaw surgery addresses both the upper jaw and the lower jaw simultaneously. It can provide cosmetic and/or functional improvements by resizing, repositioning or reshaping the jaw bones to bring them into better alignment. This is different from genioplasty, where the focus is specifically on the chin.

Learn More About Genioplasty in Sydney

If you are interested in learning more about your options for Asian facial bone contouring, including genioplasty, contact Asian Plastic Surgery in Sydney. Our specialist plastic surgeons have advanced credentials and decades of experience, as well as the inquisitive and approachable nature that contribute to a positive doctor-patient relationship. Call us on (02) 8962 9388 or send us a message to schedule your appointment.

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